

Lam Leng

Lam Leng was the first female Mandarin song singer that had the pleasure of The Quests as her accompanying group. Her first EP included four English songs sang in Mandarin, "Under The Boardwalk", "How Do You Do It", "Boys" and "I Feel Fine". Her second EP was also accompanied by The Quests. In some ways, she was the pioneer among the likes of Sakura and Rita Chao.


  1. Dear Vernon,

    This is a fantastic blog.

    I would like to enquire from you whether you or anyone you know would have Lam Leng's original EPs.

    I would certainly be interested in purchasing them.

    Through the passage of time our family has somehow lost her recorded materials and all that remain is an LP and 1 EP which is different from the one you listed.

    I am a true fan of Lam Leng.


    Rob Lim

  2. Dear Rob,

    Thanks for your comment. Two tracks from the EP, Under The Boardwalk and I Feel Fine were included in the "Recollecting Singapore 60s" CD Vol 2, released by EMI Singapore in 2007. The CD is still available in some of the local CD outlets. Cheers.
