These are my recollections of Singapore's Pop Music from the Information on each group or artiste varies, depending on my knowledge of them. A selection of their hits from that period is also available here for your listening pleasure. You are welcome to post your comments on any of the topics. Some articles on this blog are my intellectual property and should not be reproduced without my expressed permission. Thank you.
The Best Of The Quests
A compilation of some of the greatest hits of the group, the tracklist included Pop Inn Theme, Mustapha, Gallopin' Hava Nagila, Sound of Music, Lenggang Kangkong, Tea Break, Ding Dong Twist, Man From Madrid, Shanty, Champagne, Hur Pi Tzu Shau Hsiang. New arrangements given to Pop Inn Theme, Gallopin' Tea Break & Shanty, thanks to keyboard maestro Jimmy Chan and the guitar guru Reggie Verghese.
(From my archives, 2003):
ReplyDeleteAfter 35 years of living on another planet, I came home and I found out I had been right all these years.
The best way of catching the magic of the Quests is to close the drapes, crank up your stereo, set the bass level on max, put on "MUSTAPHA," and let the walls shake.
For right away you will find yourself transformed onto the stage with the boys.
In the back there's Wee, joyously pounding on his drums, keeping everyone on a steady beat. In front there's Henry, thumbing and fingering the bass line like there's no tomorrow. To his right there's Jap, furiously strumming his rhythm guitar like his life depended on it. Everyone smiling, all perspiring, as everyone tries frantically to keep up with Reggie's lead.
And there you are, along with your trusty air guitar, trading guitar licks after licks with Reggie. Two guitar gods from Heaven. After all, it is not possible for a mere mortal to play the lead in "MUSTAPHA" all by himself. It's too humanly impossible, it's too unbelievable, it's too insane.
First, it's Reggie's turn, then it's your turn, then it's Reggie again, then back to you, alternating back and forth. Two battling Strat cats lifting everyone up into the stratosphere. Ahhhh, life is good, there is joy in life, let's all pause and appreciate the good things in life.
Oh wait, here comes the teaser in the middle of the tune. What do you think, ladies and gentlemen, you want us to stop playing now? YOU WANT US TO STOP NOW??? YES??? NO???
OK then, ha, ha, ha, let's jump right into the second half of the tune. Reggie won't give up, and neither will you. Two cobras fighting to the death. Everyone, keep up now!!! LET'S GO!!!
All right now, "MUSTAPHA" is coming to the end now... Here comes the coda..., let's slow it down now to give the audience a chance to catch its breath..., wow, they are just drained..., AND THEN let's wipe out everyone with one final rousing guitar lick!!!
OK LAH!!!!!!!!!!
(And a big THANK YOU to the greatest band in Singapore's pop music history, The Quests!!! Thank you for bringing joy into our lives, giving us so many happy memories of the 60's, and giving us pride in being Singaporeans.)
Joe Wu